Job Interview Mistakes That Can Still Benefit Candidates

2. You might end up in misinterpreting the question asked:

During every job interview session a candidate must have a perfect concentration on everything from the time he or she enter the interview room till he or she comes out of that room. If you are going to take up a job interview in the future and fail in understanding the question asked by the interviewer, definitely the interviewer will think you are not serious about the job offered. But this situation can also be helpful for you sometimes, when your thoughtfulness and your efforts can make you stand unique from the rest of the other candidates.

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If you misunderstand a question asked to you, before giving a wrong answer, it is better to ask the interviewers pardon to repeat the question again in a polite manner. If you would have already impressed the interviewers by your skills, you can still make a good impression on the interviewer even if you give a wrong answer by misunderstanding the question asked.

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