Job Hopping Is the Most Damaging Employability Prospect

Respondents also admitted that long term unemployment is a crime and they would rather place an individual with a crime record in a new job than consider an individual who has been out of work for around two years.    

It was also revealed that an individual’s skill set can make or break ones chances of landing a job. 31 percent felt that having skill that are no longer in demand can jeopardize the chances of landing a job, while 26 percent asserted that not being in touch with modern technology / workplace can be a severe hindering factor.

It is a well know fact that being fired has a severe impact on landing a new job, and not surprisingly 78 percent of the respondents ranked it as the most severely damaging factor of a candidate’s future employment. While 2 percent of the recruiters felt that being out of work would be the most serious future obstacle.

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