It's Very Easy to Reduce Distractions at Work! Check How!!

1. Always seem unavailable:

If you are provided a cabin of your own, keep it shut whenever you are been interrupted. This method shows that, you are not interested in any sought of disturbance at that moment. If you have any would-be visitors, then they will get a signal that, you are not free right now and won’t disturb you. So, in case you are suppose to work in the middle of many other co-workers, then this method won’t work. So, at that moment you need to show that you are unavailable by wearing the headphones and working on your task. This method proves that, you’re unavailable to them to chat.

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2. Don’t Attend the Calls and reply to unnecessary emails:

Whenever you are busy at work, don’t attend calls that you think just a waste of time. But make sure you won’t neglect the call if you are getting 2 to 3 times continuously by your office colleagues or your near and dear ones, even after you cut the call, as there are chances of emergency, that needs your immediate attention. Even when it comes to emails, do reply for emergency emails, otherwise, it is not required to reply for a mail which doesn’t require any immediate attention.

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