IT Salaries: Which Indian City Pays the Best?

3. Project Managers:

The key responsibilities of a project manager are to plan, execute a project which is typically related to construction industry, architecture, aerospace etc. In India, the demand for the project managers is increasing day by day. Project manager professionals in Hyderabad can earn the best salary when compared to other cities as there they pay them a minimum of Rs 602,236 up to Rs 1,870,155 according to experience, second comes Bangalore with Rs 506,305 up to Rs 1,863,098; Mumbai pays Rs 363,280 up to 1,717,132; in Chennai its Rs 565,818 up to Rs 1,555,347.

4. Quality Assurance Engineer:

In India, the quality assurance department exists in most of the large companies that produces software or those into Web development. It is the duty of the QA engineer to make sure all the programs work properly and everything in a Web functions appropriately. For a QA engineer, Bangalore is the best place to find a job as in this city you can earn a minimum of Rs 346,746 and a maximum of Rs 1,026,533 as per the experience; then comes Hyderabad where you can earn from Rs 311,716 up to Rs 990,359; Pune at the third place pays you from Rs 365,663 up to Rs 990,359; later comes Gurgaon with Rs 301,001 up to Rs 820,783 and the end its Mumbai which pays you around Rs 220,500 up to 773,099.  

Although the salary structure varies in different organization, the common salary trend gives an idea of the paying pattern of each city.