Is a Woman Boss Bully By Nature?

Bangalore: Various surveys across the world have reported that women bosses are usually very abusive at the workplace when compared to their male counterparts at the work. Many employees are of the opinion that working with them is really a nightmare, as they don’t like to mingle with their employees in a good mood other than shouting at them every time. So, what might be the reason you think for such kind of behavior by your women boss? Well, as reported by Joshua on menxsp website, it might be because women workforce including the women boss are experiencing lot of stress and anxiety to take care of the top position they are been reporting to. They also might be experiencing difficulty in managing both the professional life as well as personal life in a balanced form.

However, these reasons might vary according to circumstances. It has been observed that, male bosses get anxious if their deadlines aren’t met and in the same way the women bosses get stressed if their team won’t pay attention on their instructions. Because of this reason, they might get irritated even on little things or little mistakes that you do and that turns them out to be short tempered bosses and later make them termed as ‘bullies’.