India's Best Firms to Work for Career Growth

02. Serco Global Services

Established in 1929, Serco Group is a British government services company headquartered in Hook, North Hampshire, UK. With more than 50,000 employees Serco supports multinational clients in its 99 delivery centers which are spread across U.S., U.K., Europe, India, Australia, Africa, Middle East and the Philippines.

Serco has an employee strategy which concentrates on the career growth and development of its workforce. To empower them with the ownership and flexibility, Serco started an Open Communication Network among employees. Serco has also brought a sponsorship program which helps employees’ up-skill educations. While offering a creatively liberating work environment, company re-channelizes the efforts more productively.

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01. Aegis

Employed around 30,354 Aegis is on top level when it comes to providing best career growth opportunities to its employees. Employer Values Proposition for all existing employees and prospective candidates is one of its very attractive employee benefit program. Developed an employee centric work culture, Aegis initiates many welfare programs to promote their health and safety. Aegis Sustainability Initiative program trains and sensitizes fresh recruits.

Aegis is established in 1985, this global business services and experience management company provides back office support to various global brands. In India, Mumbai based Aegis concentrates its business in customer lifecycle management, technology services, shared services, engineering services and academy business and consulting.

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