Indian Men Most Dissatisfied Workers in the World

Apart from all these, Indian employees don’t feel shy to ask for a pay rise or promotion. It is really surprising to know because from the last 1 year about 63 percent of the Indian employees have asked for a pay rise when compared to employees from China [45 percent], U.S. and UK. Approximately 54 percent of men and 48 percent of the women employees have asked for promotions in India. Rekha M Menon, Executive Director- geographic services of Accenture India has told that, Indian workforce represents the most self-confident workforce and that can be the biggest contributing factor towards their career growth, reports S Shymala from

Even if there is a recession or not, Indians keep changing from one job to another seeking for a better pay packets and promotions.  According to the headhunter’s report on exit policies, Indian employees don’t mind to come back to their previous companies if they find better opportunities apart from just the salary incentives and it is also reported that more Indians at present are willing to shift their base to other countries for better career prospects.