Indian Executives Top in Job Hopping

Though, Indian employees are achievement-driven, they are offered very minimum career development opportunities in spite of good engagement levels, Lahiri mentioned. “Since the ambition levels are very high, companies should be able to create a high potential talent management program to retain the employees.” He said, “It is still early days of this structured leadership development framework in India.”

According to him, not having proper employee benefits schemes have also daunted them to change the company they work for. But, the scenario is different in Europe as their organizational policies support employees with rewards on a regular basis.

World’s highest performing companies are reported to have employees’ engagement levels of 75 percent in paradoxical to that about 66 percent of the total workforce felt engaged over the last year. Asia is noted for about 63 percent of engagement levels and in India, two-thirds of the employees found themselves effectively engaged during last year.

The survey found most of the employees across the globe are not supported enough to perform to their maximum potential.

The study is done based on Hay Group’s Insight database, which accesses details on annual engagement and enablement levels from around five million employees of 1,610 organizations across 46 countries.