India Ranks 30th on Women at Top at Work

Bangalore: 30 percent of the women in India are a part of the total workforce in the country; however their presence is very small at less than 7 percent when it comes to the board-level roles at the Indian companies reveals a survey conducted by

India got the 30th rank in terms of the presence of women directors at the companies' boards, which is better than a few major countries like Japan and Italy.

The study was performed at more than 1,400 companies in India and the findings highlight that, in 2012 the women constituted for just 6.69 percent of the total number of board members. But, this indicates a progress from last year, 2011, when 5.26 percent of woman occupied the total board seats.

The number of companies surveyed was contrasting in different countries. The report demonstrated, the female presence on company boards is highest in Norway as it is 37 percent, followed by Sweden (26.32 per cent), Finland (23.56 per cent), U.S. (16.34 per cent) and South Africa (16.19 per cent). On the other hand, the countries having lower women representation on company boards include Italy and Japan with 4.23 percent and 1.23 percent respectively.