Huge Workplace Stress Hindering Indian Corporate Executives

Counselors and psychologists from across the country say that they are treating more and more people suffering from work related emotional disorders.  Dr Puneet Dwevedi, the head of the department of mental health and behavior at Fortis Healthcare said that “the numbers of such cases have doubled over the last year”. He also added that he treats three to four working professional every day.

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PwC, a consulting firm has also been studying work-life balance and the executives of the company said that the findings are alarming. Kaustubh Sonalkar, an Executive Director at PwC said that “Our research tells us that around 72 percent of Indian professionals work beyond regular working hours and around 92 percent of the population takes work home”. Also 95 percent of the professionals across different age group confessed to a new form of morning illness, i.e. checking their cell phones immediately after waking up.  

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He added “We work closely with companies. But at times, our measures and advice do not get demonstrated in the right manner. Companies need to do much more to rectify such situations”. Most of the companies are struggling because they are more often split between the need to reduce expenses and guard profits, and a desire to keep precious talent happy and engaged. Given the current economic meltdown, the balance often shifts in favor of the former. Several companies such as Citi India and Dabur said they have incorporated programs that facilitate a superior work-life balance such as maintaining the sanctity of five working-days a week, ensuring that the employees are not disturbed on the weekends and starting yoga sessions for senior managers.