How Woman Damages Her Own Professional Life?

Bangalore: You may have observed that by now there are many women activists who fight for their rights in every field. If any woman is in trouble immediately you see many women activists gathering to fight for her justice. In spite of all these supportiveness, why women tend to become a reason for her own unsuccessfulness?  Is it because she feels degraded on herself or is it for the reason she consider herself low? It is a very tough question to answer because as you may have heard the saying “It is very difficult to understand what’s going on in the woman’s mind”.  

But if you are a working woman you just can’t keep yourself away from achieving success in your career, thinking nothing is possible from you. You must make up the mind of pushing yourself to the front, so that people notice your achievements.  You must always believe the fact that “You have the power inside you to be great, but many times it is covered by false beliefs about yourselves”, says the women’s advocate Helene Lerner on Forbes.

What are the behaviors which forcing you to damage your career by yourself? Here are the 5 self-damaging behaviors that most of the women have, given by Helene Lerner, as reported by Jenna Goudreau on Forbes Website:

1. Considering yourself small:

It is the most common mentality that almost every woman in this world has in her mind. If you go in search of the reason for it, you won’t find any answer as of know. So, it’s better to stop searching the reason and to think on the positive note. Most of the women don’t consider that they can think big as the men do. They degrade themselves even though they are highly talented. So, why don’t start thinking big at least from now? As a first step towards your success, you must get motivated and inspired by the successful women around the world.