How to Select a Career Supportive Guy?

2.  He needs to have his own identity:
Choose a husband who has his own identity rather identifying himself with others wherever he goes, like at work, if he is a person who use more number of plural forms to address his work every time like, “We achieved this”, rather than, “I achieved it”, then it is better to look out for a better guy than this fellow who doesn’t want to have his own identification anywhere.
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If you think this as a very harsh tip, then here is the reason for it. If you choose a person who has an identity of his own, will be the one who can be more supportive to you as they don’t consider you as a competition. So, if you share some of your recent achievements at work with him while talking before choosing him as your husband, make sure you notice his reaction towards it. If he is very happy to hear that can be chosen as your partner, than the person who at the same time show of his own similar success in an attitude that, he is or can be more than you at every aspect.
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