How to Present Yourself on First Day at Office

2. Reach the office with a professional attire:

Dressing up professionally well to the office is also considered as another factor of impressing your boss. Dressing up professionally means you can dress up in a simpler form with a professional touch. Even the color of the dress matters a lot. So, its better you prefer wearing light and elegant colored dress to the office not only on the first day but on all the days. For men, it is advisable to wear formal shoes which suit your attire.

3. Start learning colleagues names:

It is obvious that, during the interview session you will get to know the name of your employer if you get selected for that job, but the main thing that you need to do on your first day is that, you must start introducing yourself to all your co-workers and start memorizing their name as soon as possible because you would have to start working with them every day, especially, if you are working in the same team. Though you find it hard to remember everyone’s name at once on the first day itself, it is better you can try out your best remembering at least few of those names on the day one.