How To Make Most Out Of A Sabbatical?

BANGALORE: A sabbatical is a more formal system and a ‘sabbatical policy’ may exist within a company, whereby employees are able to take an agreed amount of time off.  The usual job ‘perks’, such as being paid and your pension contributions, may be suspended for the duration of the sabbatical period. However, employees have the security of returning to their job.

The period of time allowed depends on the company and may only be accessible to employees at a certain level in the organization such as senior managers or full-time staff. It can be a useful way to take time out from your job to reassess where your career is heading and how you would like it to progress when you return.

1. First and foremost thing is to get settled

You may want to

You’ll be going through a lot of adjustments during your first two weeks away, so having a familiar foundation or a home base can make it a lot easier.

 Keeping certain tasks consistent can help you stay focused and efficient, and establishing some familiarity can help lessen the shock of such a big change. Giving yourself time to get settled into your new pace, whether that’s lots of touring or staying in one spot and living like a local, can make your transition to long-term travel a little easier.