How to Maintain a Trusty Relation with Your Boss?
2. Try to match your boss’ style: Every boss in the organization has different style of working; their managing techniques vary, like some are more inclined to delegate and expect occasional updates, while others are more hands on. It is always advisable for employees to match the style of their boss, therefore, keep all the updates like accomplishments, ideas and plans ready to provide it immediately whenever your boss requires. If one is not sure as in when to deliver the necessary details, he /she should try to schedule a half an hour meeting with the boss every week to make sure that they are up to date with each other.
3. Be honest: It is always said that “honesty is the best policy”. Therefore, be honest and explain the mistakes that you have made while handling a project. Keep in mind that mistakes do happen with employees and a good boss will definitely understand it. He /she will surely help you to get the work done. By this you will be known by your boss for being honest if he is asked for his feedback and opinion about you. Honesty is the right ingredient to build up trusting relationship with the boss.