How to Get a New Job in 2013

Bangalore: The New Year has just arrived filling in lots of joy in people’s face, as well as by giving them the chance of thinking productive this present year. Yes, many of you would be having few plans that can help you to get ahead in a positive way and many of you would have also planned to make this year a special one just for you and your family. Likewise, apart from just considering your plans about yourself and your family, it will also be good if you have few good steps that can help you get into a new job this year, if you have any plans of changing your profession.

December month has always been a slow month for hiring activities. So, if you are in a job search, it is better to prepare well during that month so that you can utilize it in the very first month of the New Year. To make it easy for you, here are five tips given by Amanda Augustine, who is a job search expert for ‘The Ladders’ based on a new survey, that you can follow to land a new job in this New Year, reports  Jenna Goudreau on the Forbes website.