Hiring Activity Improving In India: Survey

"Compared to our last hiring survey and what is being seen, there has been an upsurge is hiring activity at the managerial levels. Consumer-led sectors like e-commerce, FMCG, durables and related industries are buoyant. Some near sectors like logistics and packaging that support e-commerce are also seeing a huge spurt in growth. This does mean, talent shortage will be the big discussion point in board rooms," Devasia added.

Other sectors that are faring well in terms of current hiring include healthcare, chemical, IT - software and packaging. retail, which is currently hiring at 48 percent is expected to go up to 75 percent in the next quarter.

Similarly, chemicals sector which is currently hiring at 58 percent is expected to boost hiring at managerial level in the next three months (71 percent).

The manufacturing sector, which is facing a tough time at the moment also showed signs of improvement with 56 percent companies likely to hire. Faster economic growth, investor-friendly and a more focused government are seen as the reasons behind this positive outcome, the report added.

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Source: IANS