Highest Paying Jobs in India That Don't Require a Degree

3. Personal Trainer:

Personal trainers are basically fitness professionals who are involved in exercise prescription and giving proper instructions to their clients. It is the duty of the personal trainers to measure their client’s strengths and weaknesses with fitness review. This profession is not just restricted to a particular venue as these professionals can conduct training facilities at their own home, client’s home, health clubs and in many of the fitness centers. This can be an interesting job as many people now a days are becoming more health conscious and because of that, there is an immense demand for personal trainers across the world.

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Among all the people, it is especially the young professionals who are desperate to join health clubs, gym and aerobic centers, yoga centers etc. This can be a bigger opportunity for personal trainers to start up with their own training centers or join as an employee in any of the training centers. To pursue this job, you don’t actually need to have a four year degree certificate as without that also, you can survive in this profession. But, if you have any plans to be a professional yoga teacher, it’s better to pursue a course in that to make it as your permanent profession.  You can earn up to 5 Lakh + in this profession as per the Pay Scale Website. 

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