Highest Paying Jobs in India That Don't Require a Degree

5. Real Estate Agent:

This profession is growing day by day as we can find lot of professionals who are making good money through this profession. Earlier, people had a bad impression on this profession, thinking it can lower their prestige if opted, when it is compared to software and medical professions. But now, the scenario is completely changing as most of them are showing interest towards this profession. A real estate agent is in full demand by big clients especially if the agent is famous.

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The main duty of the real estate broker or agent is to act as a mediator between the seller and the buyer of the real property. He or she is also responsible to find the property sellers who are willing to sell their property and buyers of that property who are willing to buy it to the fixed rate. To acquire this profession, you don’t have to actually complete a four year degree course, as you can complete a certification course in any of the famous institutes and get the license to continue with this profession. You can also earn an awesome pay in this profession, but it all depends on the clients you get. A good career in this profession is promised if you are talented enough in this sector.

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