Here's What Recruiters Scan in Your Resume for 6 Seconds

Bangalore: Most of us never come to know about what actually went wrong for not getting selected for a job interview. According to a recent quantitative study of recruiters on the job behavior conducted by The Ladders research, figured out that the recruiters spend an average of six seconds before making the initial decisions of whether the candidate is fit for the job or not, reports Vivian Giang of the Business Insider.

The whole finding provided data mainly on specific details that captured the recruiters’ attention, how long they spent on reviewing each resumes, how quickly their eyes moved from one item to another and what was the main contents that were over looked by them.

The entire study was conducted using a scientific technique called “eye tracking” on 30 professional recruiters. The entire research was conducted basically to figure out and analyze where and how long do recruiters focuses on a single resume. As per the research, it found out that the recruiters spent just 6 seconds reviewing each individual’s resume. 


To Know What They Scan in Your Resume for 6 Seconds Click Here