Happiest Jobs in the United States

4. Financial Analyst:

The duty of a financial analyst is to perform financial analysis for external and internal clients. It is considered as the core part of the job. Usually, analysts use fundamental analysis principles, in the same way the tactical evaluation of the market environment are also a routine work. Financial analysts are those analysts who are often employed by mutual and pension funds, banks, insurance companies etc. Financial analysts who are employed in commercial lending perform “balance sheet analysis”, examining the audited financial statements etc.

5. Software Engineers:

Software engineering profession is considered as one of the happiest jobs. In this profession the engineers not only have a good opportunity of designing, developing, testing and evaluating the software and systems, they also have a better opportunity of earning big bucks which can help them in leading a happy life in the future. Software engineering field also have some good opportunities to work from home as well which helps them to be relieved from stress of travelling every day.