Happiest and Unhappiest Industries to Work in

Unhappiest Industries

Agriculture and mining industries are leading the list of unhappiest industries. Putting more physical labour, and working under unhealthy and unhygienic working environment make these two industries in the unhappiest list. And moreover, it is not easy for them to shift from their industries while find it difficult to get skilled with modern technologies.  Global economic instability makes industries like non-profit and software/internet in the unhappiest list as these sectors are not offering job security.

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No. 1 Unhappiest Industry: Agriculture & Mining

Index Score: 3.76

As the time changes, today, making an income out of agriculture and farming tops in the list of unhappiest industries. Unhygienic working environments, deficient returns, hard physical labour and long working hours told as the reasons why these fields are the unhappiest one. Working in dangerous conditions at underground with low wages is more horrifying and unhappiest thing to imagine.

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