Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best Boss?

The writer has given few insights which you can follow to become the best boss:

1. Take control of your team:

It is your duty to take control of your team to achieve your goal. You must make them work in the way where it is easily designed to them. It will be easier for them to achieve their goal faster and successfully.  You must observe each and every step of them on how they work. You must be available to them whenever they are in need of you and take good control on them. Controlling must not be in a way where you are poking your nose in each and everything they do, you must have a positive control on them.

2. Be wise:

Put all your effort in being wise to your juniors. Have a good knowledge on who can perform better work for you and try not to be biased while selecting the right person who can do your work well.

3. Serve as a protector:

You must always serve as a protector to your team. You must be with them in any difficult situation. You must take in charge of your team and be by their side while they take up any challenges. You must make them feel secure, so that they can have the safer feeling that someone is there to help them in each and every step.