Get To Know These 8 Personalities In Office

2. The Soldier: The most dependable employees are considered the soldiers of the office. You can fully rely on them without any headache. They are the symbol for loyalty and stick to their jobs for a long time.

Soldiers may have stability as one of the advantages but it may be hard to manage them when change is required—they lack leadership skills. Soldiers should be encouraged to take initiatives.

MAN FULL OF IDEAS3. The Idea Champion: Idea champion’s brain is always buzzing with new ideas and thoughts. They help in initializing and innovating new ideas and projects. They have a wide range of thinking and often come up with new suggestions.

On contrary, the idea champions lack focus. With new ideas coming to mind everyday, they are unable to concentrate on the existing project. They have a tendency to jump from one to another seeking for innovation during which they often miss the finer details.
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