First Jobs of U.S. Presidents

4. Abraham Lincoln [1809-1865]:

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th American President from 1861-1865. He successfully led his Nation through a great constitutional, military and moral crisis. He was brought up in a poor family on the western frontier, he was mostly a self-educated boy and he was also a postmaster for the area in which he lived. Before becoming a postmaster he owned a general store in 1832. After all these occupations, he became a county surveyor and later a lawyer which was his self taught profession.

5. Andrew Johnson [1808-1875]:

Johnson was the 17th American President from 1865-1869. He succeeded the throne after Abraham Lincoln was killed in the same year. Till then he was serving as the Vice-President of the country during Abraham’s Government. Before Johnson started his career in politics, he was working as an apprentice tailor with his mom during his adolescent age. After that he found work as a tailor in South Carolina and Tennessee.