First Day: Act Professional and Impress Your Boss

4. Offer Assistance:

It may be your first day at office, but you should prove you are not just an average worker. Average worker can be satisfied with completing his/her assigned duties but ambitious careerist cannot limit their focus just to finish their duties. They must be looking to different ways to improve their business and they probably lend their helping hands to assist others in the team. Being just a starter, you can offer assistance to others as it can demonstrate how much you are willing to explore the opportunities. But you should nurture this habit in your daily office routine.



5. Questions?

Doing your job quickly may be the main focus for you as it is the first work commitment in your professional life. But, being it is your first job you may not know how to do your task. You need time and focus to understand things at work. Though, you have many questions to ask, you have to give more importance to listen than asking. It doesn’t mean you should not ask but you have to avoid asking in each 10 minutes. It will be helpful for you, if you note down your questions and ask when you are given the opportunity.