Easy and Fascinating Jobs For Lazy Bones


There is always something to write about and blogging will allow you to explore more and more every day. Websites which are willing to pay bloggers are readily available on the internet and will not let you struggle too much. Blogging is a dream job for any lazy person because all you have to do is write. You might be shabbily dressed, sipping on your first coffee of the day; all the freedom you require will be a part of blogging. Bloggers, in most cases, get a meager salary unless you are working for a well established firm.

Mystery shopper

Mystery shoppers secretly carry out projects for companies to review places like restaurants, hotels, malls etc. Your basic work is to pose as a real customer and shop in places which will be assigned to you. The interesting part about being a mystery shopper is that your expenses will be handled by the company and you get paid for reviewing the place too. It is a great option for those who want to opt for working only occasionally.

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