Do You Think Pay Can Affect Performance?

Bangalore: Today employees in the U.S. are less contented with their pay packages compared to five years back, reveals “What’s Working” survey conducted by Mercer, a consulting and outsourcing company. The study was performed in order to find out “how pay affects performance.” Based on the responses of 2,400 U.S. employees, the findings of the report demonstrated an overall decreased level of satisfaction with pay. However, the positive side of the findings indicated that employees are more satisfied with their employer’s performance management than five years ago. Listed below are the three main findings of the report

1. “Pay ranks highly, but satisfaction with it drops”

This point highlights the transforming statistics with pay satisfaction and comprehension comparing today’s levels and that of five years back. This segment demonstrates that satisfaction with base pay package ranks first on the list of most important components in an employment package. In terms of that criterion, only 53 percent of employees are satisfied today when compared with 58 percent five years ago. In addition to that, 74 percent of respondents comprehend how their salary is determined, compared with 78 percent five years ago.