Do You Know from Where Apple Hires the Most?

Bangalore: Have you wondered from where these talented Apple folks have come to part take the technology revolution? We have seen where most of the Xooglers and ex-Microsoft employees end up. Business Insider has recently tracked the data from LinkedIn to check out from where most of the Apple employees come from. (Or to check from Apple steals most of their employees). While Apple poaches some top talented from other competitors, many of the talents look to take a role in this most admired company. Whether it is candidate who prefers the firm first or whether it is the firm who prefers the candidate first, it will be an excitement factor to know where from all these Apple folks come from.

5. Cisco

While Apple could manage to poach a number of 1,997 former Cisco employees, counter to that most of the ex-Apple employees end up in Cisco Systems too. The earlier lawsuit on trademark ‘iPhone’ between Apple and Cisco was a hot news in the mid of 2000s. And the dispute got over when both the companies acknowledge the ownership rights on ‘iPhone’. While the trademark dispute ended up, both the companies declared they will explore opportunities for working together in the areas of security, and consumer and enterprise communications. No wonder, if Apple want some employees from the hands behind wireless routers.

Hired ex-Cisco employees: 1,980