Dangerous Things Not to Do or Say During Job Interview

8. Don’t ramble on and on:

“Let me know about yourself”, is a common question that you can face in any job interview. If you think you can answer this question very easily, then you are completely wrong because, this question can be considered as a most difficult one to answer than answering any other question asked by the job interviewer. It is a question, which you need to dig inside yourself to get a proper answer, more than anything else; firstly, you need to analyze who you are. If you think answering this question must be in a way to answer it starting from the time of your birth till what you are today, it is a big ‘NO’, because by the time you complete your ‘LIFE HISTORY’, your recruiter would have stopped paying attention on what you are saying which means that you have lost a precious opportunity of getting recruited. So, while answering this question, keep whatever you say short and meaningful to make it simpler to the employer to understand.