Dangerous Things Not to Do or Say During Job Interview

4. Don’t be a Chatterbox:

If you think that cursing or bad mouthing your previous employers in front of your potential employer don’t lead a negative impact on your chances of getting that job, you are entirely wrong. This is because, if you bad mouth your previous employer or on something related to your professional life, obviously your potential employers think that you lack common sense. So, it is better not to reveal your hatred towards your previous employer or towards that company in front of the potential employer despite your previous company or the boss had a bad reputation. If you try to be a chatterbox, for sure the chances of getting hired is very low as the recruiter might feel that you can spread negative information about their company in the future if they select you.

More: 7 Things You Must Do After a Bad Job Interview

5. Just don’t talk all about you:

Enquiring about the benefits and salary is a must if you get selected for the position that is offered, but asking about those things before you convince them as the best candidate for the job, doesn’t look good. Along with asking about salary and benefits, if you start asking about the perks like car from the company’s side, cell phone, or any other things that can be related with you and the office can make the employer feel that you are more concerned about your needs than about the status of the organization. So, never ever make such a mistake.

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