Create Your Own Luck by Advancing in Your Career

2. You should be passionate: Automatically you can earn more money if you are passionate about your job. So instead of following the money, follow your passion, advices Alex Douzet, COO and Co-founder of job search site Keep in mind that your success will not be measured by the money that you earn, but how you perform in your job compared to your friends, co- workers and people working in the same industry. Likewise, one should realize what makes him or her happy and passionate about.

3. Evaluate yourself on a regular basis:  In order to evaluate your performance at work you should ask your boss to give you a feed back about your performance and suggest you the ways to achieve your goals. "When you have a manager, your job is to help them look good and to focus on where they want you to focus.” says Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, chief career writer and partner at Career Trend.