Crazy Activities These CEOs Do In Their Spare Time

William Clay Ford Jr:

William Clay Ford Jr. likes to spend his time by braking boards with his bare hands. Yeah, the executive chairman of Ford Motor is a black belt in Korean martial art, Tae Kwon Do. Also he is a passionate about fly fisherman and of course, a car enthusiast. Apart from these, he enjoys playing hockey and tennis.


Sandy Lerner:

Who does dare to start a living on farming after leaving high-paid job? No one, but the co-founder of Cisco Systems, Sandy Lerner; she did the same as she is fond of it. Also she is famous for her interest in the martial game, ‘jousting’. After leaving Cisco, she entered into organic farming and land preservation and bought 800-acres of farm.  She owns dozens of Shire horses only for the purpose of jousting.