Companies Expand Background Check on Jobseekers

According HR consultancy firm Unison International's Managing Director Udit Mittal, the concerns over identity theft, terrorism, and corporate espionage are becoming widespread and therefore a employment background screening becomes an effective measure that help organizations mitigate risks in their workplace.

"A pre-employment background check can help an employer ensure that the person they are hiring is actually the one he claims to be, doesn't have a criminal record that would disqualify him from being hired, doesn't have his name on an international sanction list as a known terrorist, and has a work history with which you're comfortable," he added.

As per the experts, these parameters are been adopted across various sectors in the country such as FMCG, BPO/KPO, banking and financial services, hospitality, healthcare, government entities, non-profit organizations.

As per executive search firm Lighthouse Partners, such checks are especially stringent in the IT and IT enabled industries.

According to Mittal the trend started with the MNCs and global giants and gradually small and medium enterprises followed the suit.

He has estimated that a bad candidate could cost a firm anywhere from 20 percent to 200 percent (in annual compensation) apart from eating into a lot of invaluable management time.

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Source: PTI