College Degrees That Will Help You Earn Big Bucks
Degree #5- Communication:
If you are a chatter-box, then a bachelor’s degree in communication would be a great choice. This degree basically teaches you how to translate your superior conversational skills into the business or other related sectors. Courses such as power of communication, research methods and rhetorical criticism can help sharpen your communication skills, as well as give you a better understanding about how messages should be exchanged on the internet, television and other mass media.
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The knowledge and skill that you obtain from a bachelor’s degree in communication can help you to pursue a career as a market research analyst, broadcast news analyst or a public relations specialist.
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As reported by pay scale website, the median annual salary of a public relations specialist is approximately 1,78,793 –
11,94,829, market research analyst is around
1,52,051 –
7,64,402, and for an broadcast news analyst is approximately
2,21,730 –