Check Out How to Avoid Being Too Nice at Work

2. Don’t try to be a people-pleaser:

Are you a person who starts pleasing others who are around you at workplace? Are you are person accepting to complete others work, even if you don’t want to? Are you scared that, if you reject the task you might be fired or they might think badly about you? This kind of emotion would have been developed in your family, and then slowly it would have been established in your office work as well. So, if you think this emotional factor is hurting your sentiments, you need to start setting up boundaries. If you fail to create your own boundary, people can use you at any point of time.

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3. Be confident on your own self:

Don’t lose out your own personality just to please others by acting according to their wish. At the same time don’t become malicious by being too reserved as well. You need to balance between how you should be and what others want you to be. It is left to you to make a clear decision in such circumstances.

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