Careers That Lead People to Commit Suicide

4. Comedian:

Comedians are ultimate performers who entertain and amuse audience by making them laugh. But unfortunately, most of the comedian’s professional lives are filled with mental trauma and pain, which inevitably leads to suicide.

*. Richard Jeni-

Richard Jeni is an American stand-up comedian and actor, is well known for his appearance in The HBO Comedy Hour titled ‘Richard Jeni: Platypus Man’, ‘Richard Jeni: A Good Catholic Boy’ and ‘Richard Jeni: A Big Steaming Pile of Me’. He also appeared in the Jim Carrey film ‘The Mask’ and Showtime specials such as ‘Richard Jeni: Boy from New York City’ and Richard Jeni: Crazy from the Heat’. In 2004, Jeni was ranked #57 on Comedy Central’s list top 100 stand-ups of all time. 

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This outstanding comedian was suffering from clinical depression and psychotic paranoia, which in turn ignited the suicidal tendency in his heart. He committed suicide by self inflecting handgun wound to his face.

Some of the other comedians who committed suicide are Tony Hancock, Drake Sather, Freddie Prinze, Charles Rocket and Ni Min-jan.

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