Careers That Didn't Exist a Decade Ago

4. SEO Expert:

A Search Engine Optimization {SEO} is considered to be a fast growing field which has produced many types of professionals over the last decade, reports the HubPages website.

The prime thing you need to know about the SEO specialists is that their job can vary from one company to another. But, if you want to know what are the skills required to be a SEO specialist are that, an SEO specialist should be having the skill of analyzing the website, here one has to review and analyze the client sites for the areas that are to be improved, deleted or restored. As an SEO expert, one has to have a sound knowledge of keyword research which includes knowing how to recognize the least economical, yet most lucrative keywords for client sites.

More: 5 Things to Think Before Relocating for Work

5. Online Advertising Manager:

Most of the online ad managers work for websites, by working out with advertisers about where, when and how to run online campaigns. They might also work for advertisers who are running the online side of an advertiser’s business by tracking each advertisements performance. Another duty of online advertisement mangers is to study how new technologies help in creating cooler and effective advertisements every time.

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