Careers That Didn't Exist a Decade Ago

Bangalore: As there is an immense advancement in the technology, there is a change in the job market every day. Apart from the technological advancements, even the cultural shifts and changing demographics has combined together to create new career fields every time. If you are curious to know and select the job of your interest, here is a list which you need to know about the careers which didn’t even exist a decade ago and now they are some of the most demanded jobs in the world, as reported on Kiplinger website.

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1. Social Media Manager:

If you are very good at writing and if you think it as a born gift, if you use your Facebook profile as a center of all your activities, if you have followers on Twitter, then you have all the qualities to be a social media manager. The prime focus of all the social media mangers is on building their employers’ or clients’ brands or products by effectively using the social media sites and tools. To be a social media manager, you need to be good at written communication skills, need to have the skill of marketing and also must have good experience with social media tools.

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