Career Questions That Will Lead The Path To Success In 2015

BANGALORE: Helping a mediocre life may be okay but having a mediocre career is a disaster. So by the end of the year pile up your accomplishments so far to know what sort of level you have attained. Furthermore, list out all of it then prioritize things done for greater good, so in order to do that ask yourself these five questions to have a ready answer for an interviewer reports by TIME.
What was my biggest accomplishment?
Every career has its high points may it be self made or a group driven. So mark out this year’s accomplishments strike of all the others which may not be great to share. So by the end you can have something against your name to say.
Who was my biggest champion?
Pick out your champion who helped you in winning you lump sum career advances, may it be your subordinate helping you in dire times or your
colleague helping you with projects for a productive ascent to higher levels. So by acknowledging these people gives you a chance to say thank you.
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