Biggest Mistakes Job Hunters Make

4. Getting distracted by other works:

It is true that you have other works to do at the time of your job hunt like your household work and you find very less time to search for a job in middle of it. But that shouldn’t be the reason for you to neglect your job hunting process. Make up some time for yourself to search for a job in middle of your busy schedule. Ask for one of your family member to take charge of your activities for some time.

5. Fail to diversify your job search:

Many of you do the mistake of relying on one particular method of job hunt. Some of you depend only on online postings and some of you depend only upon personal networking. So, try to avoid depending on one particular method by paying attention on both the ways simultaneously. Check out the hiring trends online if you are not a social person who can’t interact with others efficiently and if you are a friendly person try to get more information by interacting with other people like your seniors, friends and ex-colleagues.