Best Ways to Tackle Bullying At Workplace

4. Change Your Mindset:

Be aware of yourself, remind yourself of the truth and observe your habitual thinking every moment. In addition, try to walk and talk confidently, with your head held high, which conveys your self-confidence and self-esteem. All these activities are bound to have a positive impact on your professional career and also help you to be clear off the radar of a bully.

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5. Pay Attention To How You React, Respond And Function:

It is advisable to pay utmost attention to how you eat, sleep, feel and function at your workplace when you are being bullied. If you notice any abnormal changes in any of the related areas, then it is recommended to contact the Employee Assistance Program at your workplace to discuss the situation or meet an outside therapist.

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6. Protect Yourself:

It is very essential to protect yourself from the bully by whatever means such as shouting, walking away, reporting to the higher authorities and so on, rather than sitting idle and doing nothing. Being polite, ignorant or making a joke of it, never works and also gives an indirect permission to carry on.