Best Ways to Land on Your Dream Job

2. Prove the return on investment (ROI) to the Hiring Manager:

By proving ROI in the right way to the interviewer you are sure to increase your chances to get hired. This is the most powerful way to get hired so if you already have direct work experience in this field with the help of necessary documents, that can support your work experience related to this field, show the hiring manger that you are the right fit for the job. By this you can make the work of the hiring manager easy. Even if you don’t have the direct work experience in this field you can still use other tools and techniques to exhibit why you are right for the job, by deeply understanding the company’s needs and preparing more than anyone else can do.

3. Free Work:

If you offer to do ‘Free Work’ for a certain short term project you are sure to open the organization’s door for you or the organization for which you are working for may refer you to some other organizations. However, suggesting the hiring manager that you are open to work for a two or three week, short term project without any compensation should be done in a tactful way like you should definitely tell the hiring manager that normally you charge X for an hour but you are interested to do the project therefore you will not claim your normal fee for 2 or 3 weeks. Likewise also tell the interviewer that if you do an extraordinary job then you will talk with them and settle on your normal pay rate.