Best Recession-Proof Careers of All time in India

1. Education:

Teaching profession has historically been recession-proof and is a stable career option. Most people will send their kids to the schools irrespective of the economic conditions, and hence education tends to be a pretty secure profession to be in.

The salient feature of this profession is that there is always an opportunity lurking by the corner. Presently, enrollment in this profession is at an all time high and is increasing exponentially, while veteran teachers are retiring. There is also a growing need for teachers with bilingual expertise and handicap training proficiency, to assist children with special needs. Also educators with advanced degrees are particularly sought after to meet the rising number of students enrolling in the colleges.

2. Energy:

Energy is presently the most sought after career option in the world. Irrespective of how terrible the economy gets, it isn’t likely that people will stop using electricity at homes.

This industry offers a variety of specializations from researchers to technicians, particularly as countries around the world have become more environmentally conscious, and have started investing in greener and cheaper alternatives.