Best Jobs for People Who Want to Change the World

1.  Conservation:

No matter people like it or not to serve for the betterment of the environment, it is everyone’s duty to give some sought of contribution to protect our environment. If you are eager to serve for the betterment of our ‘mother earth’, you can look for a good job in any of the ‘green’ professions that can range from the wildlife biologist and forester to sustainability specialist and environmental advocate. The demand for this profession is gradually increasing day by day, as it is seen that more people are showing their deep concern over their environment. It is an awesome chance you can get, if you engage this profession, if you like to bring in a positive change in the world.

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2.  Non-profit Organizations:

If you want to serve in the Non-profit organizations, program management, taking care of the legal aspects of that organization by being its advocate and playing the role of a fundraiser of that organization are few positions you can opt if you want to serve for a non-profit organization. You can select any one among these professions which fits your sense of social justice.                     

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