Best Jobs For Employment in 2014 And Beyond
5. Personal Financial Advisor
Projected Increase by 2018:
Average Salary: 1.56 lakh to
13.85 lakh per annum
Educational Requirement: Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting or economics
Job Description: These professionals assist clients on financial affairs such as investment strategies, retirement planning and insurance options. They are responsible for making recommendations on ways to make the most of the financial assets of a client. And their job description also includes to advise clients on products/services that are available in the market, study the marketplace, ensure that the clients are aware of and understand the things that best meet their needs, and finally securing a sale.
Job Outlook: Yes, this is one of the fastest-growing occupations that offer immense employment opportunities; but don’t expect a smooth sail as the competition for new jobs is tougher than you expected.
The retirement of millions of baby boomers is a factor that is in your favor if you are seeking employment in this line of work in the future.
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