Best Employers for Young Professionals

5. Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, the San Jose, California based conglomerate that designs, manufactures and sells networking equipments occupies the fifth position on the list, thanks largely to its employee centric policies. The brainchild of Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner has earned a hale and hearty index score of 4.02 out of 5.

As per the employees, huge pay packages, friendly management, excellent job culture, healthy work-life balance, good incentives and recognition for contribution are the pros linked with this firm.      

4. Intel

Intel, the largest and highest valued semiconductor chip manufacturer based on revenues, is one of the best when it comes to looking after and nurturing its young talent. It has garnered an index score of 4.04 out of the possible 5 and narrowly missed a place among top 3 with a margin of 0.05 points.

As per the employees, flexibility, technological challenges, opportunities to be part of something bigger and the great benefits are some of the advantages of being part of this conglomerate.