Best Countries To Be In To Get Hired In 2013

#1. India:

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. It is the tenth largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP and the third largest in terms of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). No other country in the world, apart from China, has a higher growth rate than India. The modern day India offers huge economic advantages to its nationals, as well as to the foreign players and other investors. The economic boom in the country was made possible solely due to the liberalization of the economy, and the growth of outsourcing and information technology sector in the country. India’s rise to the top is truly remarkable.

More: Most Preferred Recruiters by B-School Students in India

As per the Grant Thomson International Business report, India tops the list of most favorable destination with unlimited employment opportunities. Presently, an astonishing 62 percent of the employers in the country are offering employment opportunities to a wide section of people across the country.