Best Countries To Be In To Get Hired In 2013

#6. Brazil:

Brazil is the sixth largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP. Thanks to the changes in its macroeconomic framework in mid-1990s, this country has benefited from improved financial and economic stability. With an annual average growth of over 5 percent, Brazil has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This Latin American giant is expected to be among the major economies of the world by the end of this decade. This country has been on the forefront of Latin American multinational phenomenon, wherein majority of the local companies have turned global. Owing to the presence of large and well developed mining, agricultural, manufacturing and services sectors, this vibrant country is expanding its reach and presence in the world market.

As per the Grant Thomson International Business report, nearly 50 percent of the employers in the country are expected to create a large number of employment opportunities this year.       

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