Best Companies to Work For 2012 in India

01. Google India:

There is no wonder to see Google India in the No.1 position. Moreover, this is the third time Google India takes the top slot in the list of best companies to work for in India. Google had already flagged its name for its employee benefits programs and employee recreation programs and many more on the list. Google is on top in their compensation and benefits programs for employees. Googlers are benefitted by the massage facilities and health food counters in their offices as Google tend to have a huge investment in its offices to make them amusing and lively.

Google, the search engine giant opened its Indian office in 1998 and holds 1,535 employees in India itself. Mainly it concentrates on online search, advertising and online applications. Founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, this multinational corporation offers internet based products and services in a wide range.

Check here for Incredibly Titled Google Jobs